Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets – Pictures, Removal Tips http://fleasbegone.net Interested what does a flea bite look like? We help with flea bites treatment, and have best tips on how to kill fleas in carpet. Treat Fleas on humans, dogs and other pets. Fri, 16 Sep 2016 13:07:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2016/09/cropped-fav-32x32.png Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets – Pictures, Removal Tips http://fleasbegone.net 32 32 Flea Poop or Flea Dirt. How It Looks And How To Get Rid Of It. /flea-poop-dirt/ /flea-poop-dirt/#respond Wed, 14 Sep 2016 12:08:22 +0000 /?p=78 Our pets are members of the family that need extra TLC to remain healthy. Most dogs and cats will come into contact with fleas at some point in their lives. It only takes a moment for fleas to jump from a stray visitor to your pet’s healthy fur. All it takes is one to start […]

The post Flea Poop or Flea Dirt. How It Looks And How To Get Rid Of It. appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

Our pets are members of the family that need extra TLC to remain healthy. Most dogs and cats will come into contact with fleas at some point in their lives. It only takes a moment for fleas to jump from a stray visitor to your pet’s healthy fur. All it takes is one to start a colony. If you’re not aware of the problem, it will continue to get worse until there is a full blown infestation. There is a nasty byproduct that is generated by fleas and it’s commonly called flea dirt or poop.

Flea dirt is a problem that many of us live with and we’re not even aware of it. If your pet gets fleas, the solution to killing them is simple. There is a range of effective products that kill fleas and their eggs, but they do nothing about the remaining problem of flea poop that is sure to be left behind. Being aware of the byproducts that fleas generate is important for keeping your environment as clean and healthy as possible. This guide will give you all of the information that you need to know about flea dirt and how to get rid of it.

What is flea dirt?

Flea dirt is the most obvious sign that your pet has fleas aside from itching and scratching. To put it bluntly, flea dirt is formed by the flea poop that is left behind. The culprits that produce the largest amounts of flea dirt are female fleas because they ingest the largest amounts of your pet’s blood and pass it through their digestive tracts. This is an unpleasant thought at best, but it’s a fact of life that comes with owning a pet. It’s bad enough that your pet has to put up with painful bites and itching, but the residual waste brings on another set of problems.

What does flea dirt look like?

flea dirt

flea dirt on dog

flea dirt on cat

The first signs of this disgusting byproduct may just look like sand or regular dirt on the scalp of your pet. Large clumps may form and become noticeable in your pet’s fur. It is generally easiest to see on your pet’s belly where there is less fur. If you are not sure whether your pet is just dirty or is covered with flea dirt, take a sample and get it wet. If it turns a reddish color, you can be sure that it is flea poop. Without the addition of water, some other ways to tell if you’re dealing with flea dust are to look for a grainy texture with black dots that resemble finely ground black pepper. You may even mistake flea dirt for black sand because of the feel on your fingers. They may also look like tiny black flakes.

Places that flea poop collects

The first place is on your pet’s skin and the surrounding hair. Anywhere a flea crawls, it deposits its’ feces. Your pet’s bed will also be covered with flea dirt whether you can see it or not. Some of the particles are tiny so unless there is a good sized buildup, you may not be able to see it. There is also likely to be flea dirt anywhere that your pet likes to rest. This can include furniture, carpeting, your bedding, the interior of your car and any other areas where your pet has been.

Potential hazards of flea poop

Flea feces can present a health hazard for your pet because they represent the predator who is feeding on the blood of the animal. The residual dirt left behind supplies all of the nutrition needed to perpetuate the life cycle from larvae to adult flea. It adds to the problem of flea infestation. People who are sensitive to allergens may have an asthmatic reaction to flea dirt. In addition, knowing that there is any type of feces on your pet or in your home is grossly unappealing.

Fleas can easily spring from your pet to other areas of the home, especially carpeted areas. If your pet is heavily infested you may notice that people in the house are getting bit by fleas. If there is a flea on you, there is probably flea dirt as well.

How to examine your pet for flea dirt

Begin by checking the belly where there is less fur. Flea dirt is easier to see in more sparsely furry areas. The tail is another area where it often collects. Next, move to the legs and check under the armpits as well. Another area to closely inspect is the inside of the ears. Don’t make your pet uncomfortable while doing this, but give them a good visual inspection. If you see any black clumps on the fur, look them over and if necessary, run the water test to see if it turns reddish brown.

What to do if you find flea poop

If you do find any traces of flea feces then it’s time to take action because the health of your pet may depend on it. One solution is to consult with your preferred veterinarian. Nearly every veterinarian will dip your pet in a solution that will kill the fleas, larvae and the eggs before they hatch. In some cases when infestation is advanced, more than one treatment may be necessary.

If you prefer to treat your pet on your own, it’s a good idea to thoroughly investigate the pros and cons of each product to make sure that it is safe for your particular pet. Avoid those which have been known to cause health problems in animals. You may want to visit a veterinarian supply store or a local pet store retailer to talk to a knowledgeable representative about which product is the most highly recommended.

Why it’s important to get rid of all flea dirt

Because of the fact that flea dirt is the best fodder for hatching eggs and growing flea larvae, it’s important to wipe it out. This is particularly true for areas that your pet likes to frequent. The stuff acts like fertilizer for baby fleas to help them grow healthy and strong. Even the best house cleaners are apt to miss a spot or two. While this might not be a big deal in the long run, why take the chance?

How to get rid of flea dirt

Giving your pet a thorough shampoo will make you feel better in the short term. Total removal of all flea poop will take some thought and effort. It’s a two pronged process that involves removing the current waste matter and preventing it from forming again. This is the part that can become frustrating. It only takes one rogue flea to start the process all over again so diligence during the first round can save you a lot of work. If this is your first major go round with battling fleas, you’ll appreciate the following tips. They’re intended to help you purge your pet and home of fleas to lessen the chance of their return.

If the infestation is minor then you may be able to conquer the flea bites on human issue with a single treatment. Most people find that this is not generally the case and here is the reason. Killing adult fleas isn’t the difficult part. You can kill every adult flea living on your dog with a single shampoo. There are two additional issues that are the most common complaints that pet owners make. Killing the rest of the fleas in the yard and home and killing the emerging flea pupae can take a little longer. Some pet owners have spent upwards of four months battling the problem. Each case is different and hopefully yours will be resolved much more quickly.

Options for killing fleas on your pet

There is a huge selection of flea killing products on the market. Generally a trip to the local vet is the fastest solution for killing fleas, but it can be expensive. If you decide to forego this expense, here are some options that you can use instead.

Flea combs

Because some pets are sensitive to pesticides, an option to bring immediate relief is to use a flea comb. These specially designed instruments are very good at removing live fleas from your pet’s coat. They don’t solve the problem completely, but are a good first option. Before you begin, get a bucket of hot soapy water to wash the fleas out of the comb and drown them. It’s best to go over the entire coat of your pet because fleas do move around. The flea dirt will still be present and so will unhatched eggs so further treatment will be required.

Oral flea pills

These products are fairly effective in working from the inside of your pet outwards. The pros are that they keep working until all adult fleas and hatch lings are dead. The drawback is that your pet may have some side effects and it takes a lengthy regimen to wipe out all of the fleas. Oral medication for fleas isn’t recommended for puppies because of the associated side effects. This option should only be chosen if your pet is in good health.

Flea shampoo

Flea shampoo kills adult fleas on your pet but it is usually only good for a single day. This type of treatment is more effective when it’s combined with another type such as oral treatment or spot treatment. A drawback to using shampoo is that it must be allowed to sit on your pet for a minimum of ten minutes. It’s hard enough to get a pet to cooperate for a quick dunk.

Flea collars

Most flea collars release chemicals that repel fleas and ticks, but some pets are sensitive to them. They should never be used on puppies or kittens because of the risk to their health. The most effective collars are the ones that release the treatment into your pet’s skin for all over coverage.

Flea powder

Good quality flea powder helps to repel fleas for up to a week. They also kill them upon contact. They can be used on either cats or dogs. Care should be taken to avoid getting the powder into the pet’s eyes or nose.

Flea dips

Flea dips are longer lasting than shampoo or powder. They are faster to administer than shampoo, but the major drawbacks are that they pose a greater health hazard for pets and most of them have an unpleasant and lingering odor. Pets have a tendency to lick the dip from their fur which means that they are ingesting the active ingredients. While most do not have problems as a result, some who are more sensitive may become sickened.

Most Effective products against Fleas

1. Best spray to use on your pet

2. If you want to kill fleas from your carpet or similar areas, we’ve found that this works best:

3. If you have big infestation, you’ll need best fogger available (case of 6 recommended).

Spot on treatments

Spot on treatments only require a small drop applied between the shoulder blades. They are applied monthly and have shown great effectiveness at killing fleas and preventing re-infestation.

Natural treatments

The use of essential oils is an alternative flea treatment that some pet owners may prefer. While this method works for some pets, it is generally less effective than the use of pesticides. Additionally, pets who are have sensitive skin may have a reaction to the oils.

These are the treatments options that can help to rid your pet of fleas. It is rare that a single treatment will solve the problem unless you catch it at the very beginning. Repeat treatment as necessary until there is no sign of flea dirt on your pet.

Purge the home and yard of flea dirt

Next, we turn to the environment. This includes all areas that your pet has occupied recently. Fleas, their eggs and flea dirt must be removed to prevent re-infestation. If you have carpeting in your home, then vacuum it vigorously. This may be a good time for a light shampoo or carpet treatment to kill any flea eggs or larvae that may be lurking in the fibers. You can use an IGR (insect growth regulator) to prevent flea eggs from hatching.

Sleeping areas

You should also treat all areas that your dog has slept or sat on. This includes all furniture, bedding and vehicle upholstery. If your dog sleeps on your bed at night then you’ll also need to launder the sheets and bedding. For good measure, the mattress may be vacuumed to remove any tiny specs that you can’t see with the naked eye. don’t forget the couches and chairs as well. Even if you don’t allow your pet to sit on the furniture, you never know when they will steal a nap there when you’re not looking or away.

Tip for killing fleas on bedding and pillows

Fleas cannot survive under extreme heat and dry conditions. This makes your clothing dryer a perfect tool for cleaning your bedding and pillows. Just turn the setting all the way up and make sure that pillows and bedding reach a fairly high temperature. This is the recommended treatment for pillows that may become damaged if they are exposed to moisture.

Yard treatment

Fleas can also survive for a length of time in your yard during the warm months. Use an insecticide to treat areas of the yard that your dog frequents to make sure that there is no chance of reinfection. If it’s winter time and the temperatures reach freezing or below, you’re home free and no treatment is needed.

Door mats and throw rugs

Fleas can also hide in your throw rugs or door mats. This includes those inside and outside of your home. You can tumble them at high heat in a dryer and it will kill fleas. It won’t get rid of the flea dirt though. In order to do this, you’ll need to wash and rinse them.

How to prevent fleas from getting a foothold

Prevention suddenly becomes a more interesting topic when you’ve had to go through the process of ridding your home of fleas. With just a few extra steps to your regular cleaning regimen, you can more easily prevent another infestation and here is how.

Make the yard inhospitable during warm weather

Fleas need a warm and moist environment to thrive. This is why they can multiply in your yard in warm weather. Irrigation and summer sun give them the warmth and moisture that they need. Spray the yard every so often with an insecticide and you’ll make the grass an unwelcome place for fleas and other pests. Remove any lawn clippings or brush so there is no fodder for fleas to hatch and thrive. Believe it or not, they do fairly well in grass cuttings and old weeds.

Vacuum carpets regularly

When carpets and rugs are kept clean and vacuumed, fleas have a tougher time surviving. A good vacuum can remove adults, eggs and larvae before they have a chance to multiply. Don’t forget the throw rugs. If you’re not partial to the idea of washing and drying them, just hang them out in direct sunlight. The heat will help get rid of any fleas that might have hatched in them. Also pay attention to furniture upholstery. A quick trip around the house with an upholstery brush can make a big difference.

Keeping your pet flea free

Wash your pet’s bedding regularly. This is one of the most effective ways of preventing a stray flea from multiplying into a colony. If your pet rides in the car with you, take a few moments to vacuum the seats and carpeting.

Avoid exposing your pet to strange animals that may be infected. This is how the majority of pets get fleas. Stray dogs venturing into the yard can bring fleas that quickly jump from one animal to the other. It doesn’t take long for fleas to spread and start multiplying.

Check your pet for flea dirt regularly. Early detection can help you to get rid of fleas before they get a major foot hold on your pet and in your home. At the first sign, begin treatment because these are the times when a single treatment is the most likely to take care of the problem.

Final thoughts

Flea dirt is nasty and it’s a sign that your pet has a serious problem with fleas. Now that you know what to look for, you are less likely to suffer from a serious infestation. If you are currently dealing with an overabundance of flea poop, you know what to do about it. Yes, it’s a disgusting problem but unfortunately, one that most pet owners experience at least once in their lives. Take swift action and use your best judgment along with the information that you’ve learned. Cover all of the bases and rid your pet and home of flea dirt. It can be a long process, but you’re armed with the knowledge that can get you and your pet back to the clean and comfortable living that each of you deserve.

The post Flea Poop or Flea Dirt. How It Looks And How To Get Rid Of It. appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

/flea-poop-dirt/feed/ 0
How To Kill Fleas In Carpet: Everything You Need To Know After Your First Flea Infestation /how-to-kill-fleas-in-carpet/ /how-to-kill-fleas-in-carpet/#respond Wed, 14 Sep 2016 11:35:33 +0000 /?p=68 If you own a dog or a cat and have found that you have a flea infestation in your home. It can be very frustrating. Not only does the infestation make life uncomfortable for your pets and the humans who live in the home, it can also make life difficult, as it takes a lot […]

The post How To Kill Fleas In Carpet: Everything You Need To Know After Your First Flea Infestation appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

how to kill fleas in carpetIf you own a dog or a cat and have found that you have a flea infestation in your home. It can be very frustrating. Not only does the infestation make life uncomfortable for your pets and the humans who live in the home, it can also make life difficult, as it takes a lot of work to remove the infestation from the home, especially if you need to kill fleas in carpet.

How Do I Treat a Flea Infestation?

Treating a flea infestation can take a great deal of patience and an even greater deal of work. In order for your pets and your entire home to be free of fleas, you need to treat several areas of the home in different ways.

Most Effective products against Fleas

1. Best spray to use on your pet

2. If you want to kill fleas from your carpet or similar areas, we’ve found that this works best:

3. If you have big infestation, you’ll need best fogger available (case of 6 recommended).

Treating your carpets and upholstery: It is not uncommon for fleas to infest your carpets, furniture, and drapes. If they can find a soft, dark, warm place to set themselves up, they will use it. If left alone, fleas can live up to 100 days without a blood meal. This gives them plenty of time to live in these areas. The first thing you should do is vacuum the carpeting, any upholstered furniture, and your drapes. It is important to vacuum any area that you think the fleas could be hiding.

Be sure to get the corners of the room and underneath the baseboards. After you have finished vacuuming, you want to throw away the vacuum cleaner bag or empty the canister that holds what the vacuum cleaner has picked up. You should do this outside. Fleas can jump up to 7 inches vertically and up to 13 inches horizontally. It can be very easy for one or two to escape if you throw the bag or dump the canister in your kitchen trash can.

If your home is heavily infested, you should vacuum thoroughly every 10 to 14 days and continue throwing away the bag or emptying the canister each time. To be sure that these areas are free of any eggs, larvae, or fleas you should steam clean your carpets and your furniture. If you don’t have a steam cleaner, you can rent on that has an extendable hose that cleans upholstery. The high temperatures produced from the steam cleaner are very effective in killing eggs and adult fleas.

Treating your bedding and your pet’s bedding: While you are in the process of treating the carpeting and the furniture, you will need to treat your bedding and your pet’s bedding. Any blankets or pillows your pet may have laid on can be hiding eggs, flea dirt or fleas itself. You want to put all of these items into the washing machine and wash them in hot water. Like steam cleaning, the hot water will kill the flea eggs and the adult fleas. After washing, dry these items.

The heat from the dryer will ensure that anything that made it through the washing process won’t make it through the drying process. If you have not yet finished treating your furniture, drapes, and upholstery, put all of the dry items in a trash bag and close it up tightly. You want to be sure that no fleas can jump into the bag. If you have children and they have any large stuffed animals that the dog may have lied on, you will need to treat them as well.

Since most stuffed animals cannot be put in the washing machine, you would need to find another way to treat them. The best way to do this may upset your child, but it is necessary. Take the stuffed animal and put it in a trash bag and close it up tightly. Leave it in the bag for 100 days. Within this time the fleas will not have had a chance to feed on a blood host, and they will die. When you take the animal out of the bag, shake it out completely or if possible, vacuum it to make sure that there are no eggs stuck inside.

Treating with pesticides: If your infestation is very serious, you may need to treat the problem with pesticides. There are two different types of pesticides that you can use. The first one would go right onto the carpet to be sure that all of the fleas have been eliminated. If you are going to use this method, you would need to make sure that you keep your pets and children away from the treated area for several hours.

Another option is a flogger, also known as a bug bomb. If you are going to use this form of treatment, you would need to take all of the pets out of the home, and you and your family need to be prepared to be out of the home for at least 5 hours. You would also need to put away any open food, dishes, glasses, or utensils that can become contaminated because of the fogger. If not you would need to throw the food away and wash everything to keep from getting sick. You will need to use more than one fogger, and most come with a few in a pack. To determine the number that you would need for the size of your home, read the instructions on the packaging.

After you press the button on the fogger, you need to leave the home immediately. After the five hours have passed, you can return home and open up all of the windows to air the house out. You would need to wipe down all of the counter tops and all of the surfaces that could contain the poison. Finally, vacuum the carpeting and the upholstery to clean up all of the dead fleas. Be sure not to bring your pets back into the home unless they have already been treated.

kill fleas in carpet imgTreating your pet: Treating your pet is the first step to getting rid of the infestation completely. Before you start treating your pet, you should understand that you need to take him out of the house as soon as you are finished. If you treat your pet and let him roam around an untreated home, he will just become infested again. The only way to rid your pet of fleas is to give him either a flea bath or a flea dip.

If you are going to use a flea shampoo, you should make sure that it contains a flea killing agent. Not all dog shampoos are made to kill fleas. If you don’t want to treat your dog yourself, you can take him to a groomer for a flea dip. If you have other pets in the home, you need to treat them all. Even if your cat isn’t showing any signs that he has fleas, he needs to be treated as well. If you are going to treat all of your pets on your own, you should make sure that you are using a shampoo designed for the type of pet that you are treating. Shampoo that is made for a dog should not be used on a cat.

Natural Alternatives to Flea Treatment

If you don’t want to bring any chemicals or pesticides home or put them on your pet, there are alternative ways to treat a flea infestation. You can kill the fleas on your pet naturally. There are a variety of pet shampoos available that are all natural and are designed to kill fleas. You can get these products from your vet, at a pet store, or online.

Natural Way To Kill Fleas

If you want a more natural approach to killing the fleas that have built a home in your furniture and in your carpets. This recipe is all natural, and it is very easy to make.

  • 1 gallon of vinegar
  • ½ gallon of water
  • 16 ounces of lemon juice
  • 8 ounces of witch hazel
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Home and garden sprayer

Vacuum all of the carpeting and the furniture. Next, combine the vinegar, water, lemon juice, and witch hazel into the garden sprayer. Put the sprayer on heavy spray, and spray the carpets, the furniture, and the dog’s bed if it doesn’t fit in the washing machine. If the infestation is serious, you may need to repeat the process.

Using a Salt Remedy To Get Rid Of The Fleas

If you don’t like this natural remedy, you can try using a salt remedy to get rid of the fleas. Salt is a dehydrating agent for fleas, and it will dry out their bodies, causing them to die.

  • Table salt
  • Large spice bottle with a shaker top

If your salt is not finely ground, grind it into a powder. Next, sprinkle the salt on your carpeting and your furniture. Leave it on for 12 to 48 hours to be sure that all of the fleas have died. Finally, vacuum the floors thoroughly. If the problem has not completely subsided, repeat the treatment.

If you are using either of the natural solutions, be sure to clean the pet first, wash bedding in hot water, and leave your pet out of the home until it has been treated.

Most Effective products against Fleas

1. Best spray to use on your pet

2. If you want to kill fleas from your carpet or similar areas, we’ve found that this works best:

3. If you have big infestation, you’ll need best fogger available (case of 6 recommended).

How to Prevent a Repeat Flea Infestation

After you have worked so hard to get rid of the fleas in your home, you want to keep an infestation from reoccurring.

Protect your pets: The key to preventing a reinfestation is to protect your pets. If they go outside and bring a few fleas in on them, you will need to go through the entire process all over again. There are several products on the market that you can use on your pet to prevent fleas from jumping on them and feeding. There are both topical products and oral products. Each of these products is given in monthly doses. As long as you keep up with the treatment, your dog should remain free of fleas.

Some people will use a flea collar. These are not nearly as effective as the topical and oral products. You can get flea protection treatments from your vet or you can buy them online. If you are buying online, be sure to get the product that is designed for your type of pet and its weight. You should never use a cat treatment on a dog and vice versa. Also, if you use a small dog formula on your large dog, it won’t be effective. If you use a large dog formula on a small dog, it can be very dangerous. Just be sure to read the packing thoroughly.

How Did the Fleas Get Into My Home?

If this is your first infestation, you are likely wondering how the fleas got into your home in the first place. Not only is there the curiosity factor, if you understand how your pets and home became infested with the fleas, you will be able to prevent another infestation from occurring.

Outside the home: Anytime your pet goes into the outside world, there is the chance of a flea infestation. When you take your dog for walks in the grass, chances are your check him for ticks. What you likely aren’t looking for and what you may not be able to see are fleas. They are very small and they are good at hiding. They can able to hide in the furriest areas of your pet and in the deep crevices of his skin. Since fleas can thrive in the grass and wooded areas for a certain period of time, he could have brought them home after a walk. Your dog can also get fleas if you take him to the dog park, to the vet, to the groomer, or if you keep him in a kennel while you are on vacation. There are several ways that your dog can develop a flea infestation when he leaves the house.

Human Carriers: If you have a friend come over to your house and their pet has fleas or if their home is infested, they can carry the fleas into your home. Take a look at flea bites on humans pictures, if you don’t know how it looks. The fleas at your guest’s home can jump on their pant legs, socks, or shoes, and get a free ride to your home. When the fleas get there, they will begin to reproduce, and infest your home. Even you can bring fleas into your home. If you take a walk in a grassy or wooded area, the fleas can jump on your pant legs, socks, and shoes, and create a home for themselves at your house. It is very easy for humans to carry fleas into your home.

Other Animals: Fleas can be transported from animal to animal. If your dog goes outside in the backyard, there could be fleas out there. If a squirrel, raccoon, or a common stray cat come into the yard, they are going to bring their fleas with them. If one of these fleas rests on the ground, it can jump on your dog as soon as he gets outside. Even though it starts out as just a few fleas, it can end up being a full blown flea infestation. If you have an indoor cat and a dog that goes outside, your cat is very vulnerable when it comes to developing a flea infestation. The fleas that your dog has brought in from outside can jump on your cat, and very soon, can start making the cat’s life miserable Transmission of fleas from animal to animal is very common.

What Can a Flea Infestation Do To My Dog?

A flea infestation can make life very difficult for your dog. It may start off as just a few fleas, however, as the infestation worsens, the symptoms will worsen as well. Fleas feed off your dog’s blood. To get to the blood, they will use their teeth to bite. These bites can be very itchy and somewhat painful. The more fleas there are on your dog, the more they will be bitten. A flea infestation can result in serious itching and biting at the affected area. The more your dog bites at these areas, the more they will irritate their skin. If the flea problem goes untreated, or if your dog is hypersensitive to flea bites, it can result in more serious issues than just red, itchy, irritated skin. Some of these conditions include:

Flea allergy dermatitis: If your dog has sensitive skin or a severe flea infestation, they can develop this condition. When a flea bites your dog, they transfer a variety of allergens into the dog’s bloodstream, such as phosphorus, polopepticides, amino acids, and aromatic compounds. These allergens can result in itching, scratching, scabs, and hair loss. In more serious situations, the dog can develop a large hump on the infected area. If this were to happen, the dog would need to be treated with topical creams and steroid shots.

Skin Infections: When a dog is bitten again and again by fleas, it can leave their skin red, itchy, and every inflamed. This can make the tissue very susceptible to skin infections such as Staphylococcus intermedius and Malassezia pachydermatis. If not treated by a vet with antibiotics, these infections can lead to a serious illness.

Neurogenic dermatitis: This is more of a behavioral condition than a physical condition. As your dog bites himself more and more to relieve the itching from the fleas, he will become obsessed. Soon, he will do it to the point where he hurts himself. He would need treatment and a special collar to start to feel better.

Tapeworm: A tapeworm is a parasite that a dog can develop in his intestines if he swallows and infected flea. The tapeworm will take the food from your dog’s intestines, causing him to be underweight and malnourished. In order to get rid of the worm, you would need to get a de-worming medication from your vet.

Although it is not your dog’s fault that he got fleas and they have infested your home, an infestation of any size can be a huge hassle and it can very inconvenient. If you are going to make your dog comfortable and free of fleas, you need to know exactly how to treat the infestation. If you allow it to get too serious before taking any action, the fleas will start jumping on your feet and ankles and biting you. As long as you properly care for your pet and your home, and you take the proper precautions to prevent a reinfestation, you should not have any more problems with fleas.


The post How To Kill Fleas In Carpet: Everything You Need To Know After Your First Flea Infestation appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

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What Does a Flea Bite Look Like On Human /flea-bites-human-pictures/ /flea-bites-human-pictures/#respond Wed, 14 Sep 2016 10:55:14 +0000 /?p=59 If you own a pet, or you have a nice big yard at your home, then chances are, you understand the pesky little critters known as fleas. Fleas are not just a big probably for families with pets, however, owning a pet does raise your chance of exposure to fleas. These bugs are able to […]

The post What Does a Flea Bite Look Like On Human appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

If you own a pet, or you have a nice big yard at your home, then chances are, you understand the pesky little critters known as fleas. Fleas are not just a big probably for families with pets, however, owning a pet does raise your chance of exposure to fleas. These bugs are able to ride into your home on an animal or even on your clothes. They are able to quickly take over your home since they have a very quick breeding cycle, and will then reside in the fabric of your carpets.

Therefore, if you find yourself itchy and scratching a lot, and there is evidence of bites on your skin, then you are probably suffering from fleas inside of your home. It is important to understand the signs of fleas being present inside of your home, so you are able to take care of the issue before it gets worse. You will want to be sure that you protect your home, your family, and your pet from the frustrating attack of fleas biting you and anyone residing in your home. Dealing with these types of bites can be incredibly itchy and aggravating, especially if you end up having an infestation. You will be dealing with multiple flea bites, and this can become extremely difficult to take control of this type of issue.

What Does a Flea Bite Look Like

flea bites on human

flea bites pictures

what does a flea bite look like

what does a flea bites looks like

When it comes to flea bites, humans are most of the time the secondary victim to these bites. Humans are not good hosts to fleas, and a flea will not remain on a human. Fleas find a home on animals because they can hind within the fur of them, and this is why pets are usually good hosts for fleas. Hungry adult fleas will often bite humans until they find a more suitable animal host. If a human passes next to a flea, they will become the fleas main target because they are hungry, but humans will not suffer from fleas the way an animal does.

Fleas are not known for carrying any types of harmful diseases, therefore, humans do not have to worry about whether or not a disease is going to be transferred from a flea to a human. Usually flea bites do not lead to any type of serious reactions, and they are generally more of a nuisance to deal with than experiencing anything serious from them. However, for those individuals who are allergic to flea bites, it is possible for them to experience a reaction to them, which often includes swelling and severe itchiness. The skin around the bite, can become irritated and painful, and sometimes, if the individual scratches the area too much, a secondary infection can develop. In several types of cases, these little creatures can end up infesting a home, and the problem will need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

There can also be some serious side effects for the individuals who are allergic to fleas, flea poop or develop an infection from the bites. The signs and side effects that should be monitored include:

  • Swelling of the lips or the face
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea

If an individual experiences any excessive redness, extreme amounts of pain around the bite, or any swollen glands, then a serious infection might have occured, and the individual will want to speak with their doctor immediately to treat the infection. There are several different types of treatments that a doctor might recommend for flea bites and they include:

  • Cortisone
  • Vinegar
  • Anti-histamine medications
  • Calamine lotion
  • Tea tree oil

One of the most important things for any person who has flea bites, is to try not to scratch them to avoid developing a secondary infection in them. If you treat the bites, this will help with the itchy feeling in them. Treating you, or your pets, is always a good idea with flea bites, because insect bites are very easy to develop infections in them, which can make any living being very sick. It is important to treat your pets as well, and this will help to prevent anyone else in your household from getting attacked by any fleas, and you’ll prevent those harsh flea bites on dogs.

Treating your body, and your pets’ body, is always an important thing to do, however, if you do not treat your home, then you will continue to suffer from flea bites. Making sure to treat your home, and the carpets within your home, should be just as important as treating yourself. Fleas can quickly take up home within your carpets and if you end up with an infestation, it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of them. Once you have had the realization that you and your home is suffering from fleas, then it is prudent to take action immediately to get rid of them.

What Does A Flea Bite Look Like?

When it comes to flea bites, it is important to understand what exactly you are needing to look for. If you are trying to figure out the signs that your dog is suffering from fleas and flea bites, this can sometimes be a bit more difficult to identify because you can not see them underneath their fur. However, the saliva of fleas can cause an allergic reaction for your pet that is called FAD. With FAD, and the excessive scratching, this can result in hair loss and a secondary infection for your pet. In cases that are more severe for the animal, the skin that is affected can become much thicker, and sores might even appear.

Most Effective products against Fleas

1. Best spray to use on your pet

2. If you want to kill fleas from your carpet or similar areas, we’ve found that this works best:

3. If you have big infestation, you’ll need best fogger available (case of 6 recommended).

If you are looking for the appearance of flea bites on humans, they will often become red spots and are then surrounded by red halos. When fleas attack humans, most often you will find these bites around the ankles, legs, and feet. If wild life animals, that are infested with fleas, are coming around the outside of your home, you could end up having an infestation in your yard. This means that whenever you are walking outside of your home, you will be carrying fleas on you from your socks and the bottom parts of your clothing, which results in these red swelled bites on the body parts of your legs and angles.

You will be able to identify these flea bites, especially if you are finding them in these areas of your body. These bites are incredibly itchy, they will often swell immediately after receiving the bite, and the skin around the body will begin to swell up immediately as well. The are of the bite can also become feverish, and feel hot to the touch. If you put a cortisone or anti-histamine cream on them as soon as you can, this will help with the itchy feeling, and can help you to avoid scratching at the bite.

Sand Flea Bites On Humans

There are several different types of insects and animals, that live within the sand, that are able to bite a human and leave a welt on them. There are so many different types of information that many individuals have been known to believe, however, the truth about sand fleas is that true sand fleas are not insects at all. Sand fleas are actually parasitic crustaceans that can be found in many different sandy areas such as beaches and marshes, in which the sizes vary.

Some sand fleas are incredibly small, about the size of a grain of ground pepper, while others have been known to grow to the size of a grain of rice, and they are even able to grow much bigger than that. Depending on the specific size of the sand flea, they are able to be seen with the naked human eye, where some sand fleas are so small that they are barely able to be seen through a magnified glass.

As the name suggests, sand fleas are basically found in very sandy places, however, they are not able to stay confined in these places. They have the ability to move away from these marshes and sandy places, and can even invade the homes of humans. These creatures may be very small in size, but they are considered to be incredibly harmful. In the Northern Pacific area, these animals are known to be the most harmful.

Once they have finally been able to invade your home, they will immediately begin to attack you, your family, and any pets that you may have within your home as well. If they come inside on one of your pets, then chances are, you will begin to be attacked by them soon after that. Once they have taken over your pets and your own self, they will then begin to infest your home as well.

Even though sand fleas are very small creatures, their bites are incredibly painful to endure, and these bites can even lead to severe skin problems. Since these animals are found within the sand, the targeted areas that they will attack are around the feet, ankles, and legs just like normal fleas attack. Jumping up from the ground, sand fleas are only able to reach 20 to 40 cm. So, if you are not lying down on the sand, they will not be able to reach your upper body and bite you in that area.

If you are holding a pet that has already been attacked by sand fleas, and they are still on your pet, then with your pet resting its body on the place that you are holding it, you will receive bites on your upper body. Sand fleas are the most active during the evening, at night, and during the dawn hours of the day, and this means that you are more than likely going to be attacked and bitten at these times.

When it comes to the actual bites of sand fleas, these bites can leave you in a great deal of pain. There are 2 different types of bites that sand fleas usually leave on a humans body. One of them usually resembles the bite of a mosquito, and this usually indicates that the sand flea was sucking on your blood before it left for another host. When they bite you in this way, the saliva that they inject into your body, is what causes the irritation in your skin.

They inject their saliva to prevent your blood from clotting, so they are able to such the blood out of your body, and this injected saliva is what can lead to an allergy reaction. The other type of bite that a sand flea leaves is considered to be the worst type of bite you can receive from these animals. When the female sand fleas are breeding, they will bite a humans skin, hide within your skin, and remain in that spot until the flea eggs hatch. The area on your body that is affected will begin to swell, and a black spot will form within the center part of the bite. If you take notice of these types of spots on your skin, it is highly possible that you have breeding sand fleas underneath your skin, and you should see your doctor immediately.

Whichever type of bite it is that you receive from a sand flea, any person will experience unpleasantness, itching, pain, and a severe allergy reaction for those who have an allergy to sand fleas. Often times, those who have an allergy to sand fleas, will also experience severe types of symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea
  • Swelling of the tongue and the lips
  • Dizziness

However, if you are experiencing a case of the breeding female sand fleas that have burrowed underneath your skin, you could experience more serious and severe side effects. These severe symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Severe infection
  • Redness on the affected area
  • Swollen glands
  • Pain

If you have found that you are one of those unfortunate individuals who are going through an attack of sand flea bites, or sand fleas under your skin, there are several different types of things that you can do to treat these bites. When you are looking to take care of treating your sand flea bites you can do things such as:

  • Apply essential oils to the skin, to help take the uncomfortable feeling out of your skin. Cedar wood, tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus oils have had many beneficial and effective results when rubbed on the affected areas of the skin.
  • If you have scratched so much that you have created wounds on your skin, Aloe Vera is a perfect solution to help soothe these wounds.
  • Pain and swelling is usually always the effects that develop when you have been attacked by sand fleas, and painkillers are often types prescribed to those who are experiencing this type of pain.
  • If you are experiencing a great deal of itchiness, an oatmeal bath is an excellent way to soothe this type of reaction. Make sure that the temperature of the water is not too hot, and soak for a while in the bath. This will help to reduce the severe itchy sensation.
  • Try your hardest to avoid scratching any of the bites, and this will help to prevent any infections from setting into these bites, which can be dangerous.
  • To get the itchy feeling under control, you can apply anti-itch creams to the affected areas.
  • It is important to check the bites to see if they are just bites, or if there are sand fleas underneath your skin. Keep in mind that if they are burrowed under your skin, they will be continuously sucking your blood, and you should see a doctor.
  • If you are using all of these techniques and none of them are working, then it is important to go and see your doctor as soon as you can, so he can prescribe you with an anti-histamine cream.

Sand fleas are not the type of animal that you want to deal with, and if your home becomes infested, it can become a very dangerous for you and any person or animal living inside of your home. Making sure to get rid of the infestation is the number one important step to take once you have come to the realization that you have an infestation within your home. You will need to be sure that you or any pet that you own, gets treatment for sand fleas, and sand flea bites. These animals are dangerous, and having a large group of them continuously biting you can cause infections and severe allergy reactions. You will need to be sure that you get the infestation under control, to prevent you, and the others within your home, from being attacked by these sand fleas.


In conclusion, when it comes to insect fleas or sand fleas, it is important to understand that they are not creatures that you want to deal with. Their bites alone can cause serious allergic reactions, fever, painful sores, infections, and many more issues. If you begin to experience fleas inside of your home or in your yard, it is highly possible that you have an infestation of fleas and this infestation can grow quicker than you can blink an eye.

They multiply by the hundreds and thousands, and they are able to quickly get out of control and infest your home or yard, which makes it unsafe to even walk out your front door. If your pet is bringing them into your home, it is important to begin by treating the yard and your pet, then kill fleas in carpets inside of your home. This will prevent the fleas from multiplying, which will then benefit you and anyone in your home from being attacked, bitten, and developing many types of symptoms and reactions. It is important to understand all of the necessary information that you possibly can when it comes to fleas, and if you are suffering from flea bites or an infestation of fleas, that you make sure and take care of the problem, as well as, taking care of yourself or anyone else who might be suffering from a flea attack.

The post What Does a Flea Bite Look Like On Human appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

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A Dog Owner’s Guide To Fleas And Flea Bites On Dogs /dog-owners-guide-fleas-flea-bites-dogs/ /dog-owners-guide-fleas-flea-bites-dogs/#respond Wed, 14 Sep 2016 08:10:41 +0000 /?p=48 Most dog owners think of the dogs as if they were one of their children. As such, they should be treated that way. Dogs don’t know about health hazards or dangerous situations. It is up to you as the owner to keep your dog out of harms’ way, since he cannot do it himself. There […]

The post A Dog Owner’s Guide To Fleas And Flea Bites On Dogs appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

Most dog owners think of the dogs as if they were one of their children. As such, they should be treated that way. Dogs don’t know about health hazards or dangerous situations. It is up to you as the owner to keep your dog out of harms’ way, since he cannot do it himself. There are many things that can make a dog sick. One of the biggest health hazards is flea bites on dogs.

What is a Flea

dog fleaFleas are one of the most common problems that dog owners have to worry about. The technical name for the fleas that infect dogs is ctenocephaildes canis. They are very tiny bugs who go through four lifecycle stages, egg, larva, pupa, and adult. In order for an adult flea to reproduce, they must feed on blood first.

Flea eggs: The female flea can lay batches of eggs as large as 20 at a time. It takes about two weeks for an egg to hatch. Eggs are often laid on the host. Because the eggs cannot latch on, they often fall off where the dog rests and sleeps. You will not be able to completely remove the infestation from your home unless you are able to neutralize the eggs. If not, they will eventually grow into adult fleas, creating a vicious cycle. You can see here what do flea eggs look like.

Larvae: Flea larvae emerge from the eggs after about 20 days. The larvae will feed on feces, dead insects, vegetable matter, other eggs. If the larvae can only feed on your dog’s blood, there is only a 12 percent chance of the flea maturing to adulthood. If the flea is able to feed on blood and yeast, it is certain that the larvae will mature.

Pupae: As long as the larvae have adequate food supplies, they will weave cocoons a week or two after the larvae stage. During this period, they will rest. When they sense a host in near, they will emerge. They can sense sound and vibration and heat and carbon dioxide when your dog breathes.

Adult flea: It is not until the flea reaches adulthood that it can begin to wreak havoc on your dog. The main priority of the adult flea is to find a host to feed on. Its second priority is to reproduce. If the conditions are right, the total lifespan of a flea can be between a year to a year and a half. The ideal conditions would include the proper temperature, which is very warm, and humidity. This is why fleas thrive and create problems during the summer. They also need a constant food supply. This means that the flea would need to be living and feeding on an actual host for its entire life. Throughout their lives, female fleas can lay over 5000 eggs. Reproduction at this rate is the reason that one or two fleas can result in a serious infestation in a very short period of time.

Flea Behavior

During the spring and summer months, fleas are all over the grass. When you take your dog outside, it takes just a few fleas jumping on him to cause a full blown flea infestation, which leaves flea dirt on your pet. It is not uncommon for a flea to go from one host to another. For example, if you have a dog and an indoor cat, you cat can easily become infested if he comes into contact with the dog. The cat does not need to enter the environment where the fleas are waiting to find the host. The fleas will jump from host to host. If your dog has fleas, all warm blooded animals in the house are at risk.

How Do I Know if My Dog Has Flea?

It is very obvious if your dog has fleas. He will start scratching and biting himself often because the fleas are biting him. In serious cases, the dog will be so itchy that he will start to chase his own tail trying to find the flea that is biting him. Some fleas will bite harder than other, causing the dog to jump up from a resting position quickly, for no apparent reason. The actual reason is that he was bitten very hard. Depending on the texture and color of his coat and the level of infestation, the fleas can also be visible.

Many dog owners believe that the only problem that flea bites can cause their pet is itching and raised bumps. This is not the case. Flea bites can result in a variety of complications and health problems that can be dangerous to your dog’s health.

Flea bites on dogs:

flea bites on dogs
flea bites on dogs
flea bites on dogs pictures
flea bites on dogs head
flea bites on dogs belly
flea bites on dogs belly
flea dirt or poo on dogs
flea dirt or poo on dogs


Flea Allergy Dermatitis: Flea allergy dermatitis is not caused by the fleas themselves, but by their saliva that they leave behind when they bite your dog. Fleas feed on your dog’s blood, which is why they bite. When the bite and break the skin, it can introduce a variety of allergens into the dog’s bloodstream. These can include aromatic compounds, amino acids, phosphorus, and polypeptides.

If your dog is hypersensitive to any of these compounds, it can create a bad reaction. Your dog will start excessively itching, they can develop scabs on their body, and they can lose their hair. In order for these bites to result in flea allergy dermatitis, the dog needs to be seriously infested. If the irritation becomes severe, your dog can develop a large welt around the area, which can resemble a hump.

If this happens, you would need to take your dog to the vet for treatment. The treatment often requires that the irritated area is shaved and treated with a medicated cream. In very severe cases, the dog would require a steroid shot to reduce the inflammation faster. While a mild case of flea allergy dermatitis is not something to get too worried about, a serious case can be very hazardous to your dog’s health.

Skin Infections: When a dog has flea allergy dermatitis, the skin can become vulnerable and inflamed. This can create the perfect opportunity for an infection. When the skin’s tissue is damaged, can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, such as Malassezia pachydermatous and Staphylococcus intermedium. When your dog develops a bacterial or a fungal infection from the bites, it can cause them to scratch and chew on themselves.

This can make the allergic reaction and the infection even worse. The worse the infestation, the greater risk of infection. To treat these infections, you would need to take your dog to the vet so that he can be prescribed a topical or an oral antibiotic medication to kill the infection. This is not a condition that you want to ignore. The longer the infection goes on, the worse it will become.

Neurogenic Dermatitis: If your dog suffers from severe flea allergy dermatitis, it can result in behavioral problems. The technical term for these problems is neurogenic dermatitis. When your dog is suffering from flea allergy dermatitis, they will start biting, chewing, and scratching themselves. Over time, it can become an obsessive desire. This condition usually starts when a dog notices a tiny abrasion on his skin.

The abrasion will be itchy, and he will be tempted to scratch and bite at it. The more he continues, the the more the tiny wound will develop into a much more visible would. As his obsession continues, he will feel the need to continue biting at himself. Over time, this behavior can lead to scar tissue and in severe cases, it can cause permanent skin damage. If your dog suffers from this condition, he will continue biting and scratching, even at areas that are not damaged at all. Because this is a behavioral problem, to treat the problem, the dog’s behavior would need to change. Since dogs cannot understand what is going on, they would need to wear an Elizabethan collar.

This is a cone that goes over the dog’s head so that they are not able to scratch or bite at themselves. This type of collar is often used for dogs who have had surgery that required stitches. It keeps them from biting at the stitches and ripping them out or causing an infection in the wound. They can also be used to treat neurogenic dermatitis. Over a period of a few weeks, the dog will no longer have the desire to bite and scratch at himself. In order for the treatment to be completely successful, the infestation needs to be removed completely from the dog and from the home.

Tapeworms: Most dog owners don’t know this, but a flea infestation in their pet can lead to tapeworms. Tapeworms are parasitic flatworms that live in the intestines of humans and animals. They have long, ribbon-shaped bodies, that have many segments. They have small heads that contain suckers and hooks. When they implant themselves in the digestive system, they start feeding on the food that its host consumes.

They have the capability of consuming a great deal of the food that your dog eats, which will make the worms grow larger and larger. Dogs who are infested with fleas can develop tapeworms. When they bite themselves to relieve the itching caused by the fleas, the dog can actually ingest the flea. Since fleas are intermediate hosts for tapeworms, it could become a problem. It is important to understand that not all fleas are infected with tapeworms, however, the dog would need to ingest just one flea that is infected for the life cycle of the tapeworm to begin. If your dog develops a tapeworm due to his flea infestation, you could start seeing broken pieces of the worm in your dog’s stool.

You may also notice pieces of the worm in your dog’s bum or in the bedding that he sleeps on. You will be able to recognize the pieces of the worms if you see something that looks like a grain of rice or a sesame seed. Your dog may also begin itching around his anus or it could become irritated. If your dog develops a tapeworm due to his fleas, it won’t cause any serious illness. It can, however, result in poor nutrition. Because the tapeworm is eating up everything that your dog consumes, it can make it impossible for your to thrive and grow. He also won’t be able to maintain a healthy weight. If your dog does develop a tapeworm, he would need to be treated with a deworming agent. The sooner the tapeworm is identified and treated, the better it will be for your dog’s overall health.

Flea Treatment and Prevention

If your dog is suffering from any of the above complications of flea bites, he will not get any better until the problem has been taken care of. You can find flea bites pictures here. Not only do you need to remove the infestation from your dog, you need to keep it from coming back. Also, you need to remove the problem from your home. Fleas can live in your carpeting, couches, and bedding for up to 100 days without a host to feed off of. If you get the fleas off of your dog, you need to get them out of your house as well. It is the only way to prevent your dog from becoming infested again, resulting in further complication.

Kill the fleas on your dog: The first step to destroying the infestation is to treat your dog. The sooner you do this the better. To treat the infection, you should use a flea shampoo or a flea dip on your dog. Make sure that the product you are using is specifically designed for fleas. Not all dog shampoos contain a flea killing agent.

Kill the fleas in your home: It will be obvious if the flea infestation in your home is serious. When you walk in the house, fleas will jump on your ankles and bite you. This type of severe infestation would require intensive treatment, such as a do-it-yourself fogger or help from an exterminator. This requires a great deal of work. While the poison that you are spraying into the home will work, you would need to protect certain household items from the poison.

Most Effective products against Fleas

1. Best spray to use on your pet

2. If you want to kill fleas from your carpet or similar areas, we’ve found that this works best:

3. If you have big infestation, you’ll need best fogger available (case of 6 recommended).

Any dishes, utensils, glasses, or any other such items would need to be washed thoroughly after the treatment is complete. It can be very dangerous to your health and that of your family if these items are not treated according. If the infestation is not that serious, you would need to treat the home. This includes washing all of the bedding in hot water and vacuuming the couches and upholstery. You can also use a flea powder designed for carpets and furniture.

Kill the fleas in your yard: Most likely, your dog got his fleas from outside while walking or playing in the grass. Since your dog needs to go outside a few times a day to relieve himself, you cannot protect him from the fleas that are outside. The best way to protect him is to remove the fleas from the yard. You can hire a company to come to your home and spray your yard, which will kill the fleas. When the flea habitat is disturbed, your dog will be safer when he goes outside.

Prevention for your dog: The best way to protect your dog from becoming re-infested is to use the proper flea prevention products. There are two types available .The first is a topical treatment. It is used every three months and it is applied to the dog’s shoulder blades. This will keep the fleas at bay. The second type is in a pill form. Like the topical formula, it needs to be given regularly to keep the fleas from coming back.

If your dog has difficulty taking pills, you should stick with the topical treatment. If you have cats and dogs living in the home, you should never use the same preventive medicine on both of them. The formula designed for dogs can be very harmful to cats and vice versa. When buying these products, you also want to make sure that you buy the one that is appropriate for the weight of your dog. If you use a large dog formula on a small dog, he will get too much of the active ingredient which can lead to an overdose.

If you are not sure how much your pet weighs or which type you should use, you should contact your dog’s veterinarian. These medications can be purchased right through your vet and they can be also purchased online. If you are going to buy the products online, be sure that you are buying from a reputable distributor. Also, do as much research as you can and gather as much information as possible about the product that you purchased before you use it on your dog. There are unethical companies who are selling dangerous products that they are passing off as flea prevention medication.

Natural methods: If you are worried about what you are putting in your dog’s system, there are natural ways that you can treat and prevent a flea infestation. The same is true with removing the infestation in the home. If you have small children in the house and you do not want to push poison into the air and let it sit on the carpets and the furniture, there are natural, safe methods of taking care of the problem.

A flea infestation can be very difficult for your dog. Even a slight infestation can make it difficult for your dog to relax, sleep, and be comfortable. Fleas are constantly feeding off your dog, which can result in flea bites and intense itching. The sooner you are able to identify the problem, the sooner you can treat it. Getting rid of the fleas can also make life at home better for you. If the dog’s infestation is serious, they will constantly shake the couch, the bed, or any other surface they are scratching on. Also, you may start to find flea bites on yourself. Flea infestations can be handled and it should be done so as soon as possible. Since your dog relies on your for everything, it is your responsibility to do everything that you can to keep your dog happy, healthy, and comfortable.

The post A Dog Owner’s Guide To Fleas And Flea Bites On Dogs appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

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What Do Flea Eggs Look Like & How To Get Rid Of Them /flea-eggs-look-like-get-rid-of-them/ /flea-eggs-look-like-get-rid-of-them/#respond Wed, 14 Sep 2016 07:40:06 +0000 /?p=30 Summer and the ability to enjoy the great outdoors is something that many look forward to. If you have pets, they like to spend time outside too. However, along with the sunshine and fresh air comes a few unwanted summertime guests. Fleas are one of the most unwanted guests that can spoil summertime fun. People […]

The post What Do Flea Eggs Look Like & How To Get Rid Of Them appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

Summer and the ability to enjoy the great outdoors is something that many look forward to. If you have pets, they like to spend time outside too. However, along with the sunshine and fresh air comes a few unwanted summertime guests. Fleas are one of the most unwanted guests that can spoil summertime fun. People spend millions of dollars every year on products to help keep fleas off their pets, but regardless of their best efforts, sometimes they still manage to get them, and you should know what do flea eggs look like.

The problem is that when our pets get fleas, they bring them into the house. Fleas not only like to munch on our pets, they like to munch on us too. Flea bites appear as tiny little circles that are itchy and irritating. Often these tiny a bites will appear in lines of three or four bites. The most common sites are the ankles or legs. This is because fleas do not fly, but they hop. They hop from the grass, or your carpet, onto your legs and ankles. They also like to bite around the waist, armpits, breasts, groin, on the inside of the elbows, and the backs of the knees.

Some people are allergic to flea bites and have a more severe reaction such as developing hives or a rash. Some people develop blisters with white tops on them. Scratching can cause further damage to the skin. There is also the possibility of developing a bacterial infection at the site of the bite. It is always advisable to try not to scratch flea bites in order to avoid this, but this is sometimes easier said than done. One of the worst potential effects of flea bites on dogs is that they can spread disease in both humans and pets.

Flea Life Cycle

flea life cycleIf you have flea bites, the tiny red patches will go away on their own without any treatment, and less they become infected. The flea bites will go away, but if you don’t treat the source of the fleas, then you will continually have to contend with new bites. Each new bite has potential for the development of the serious complications mentioned earlier.

Fleas go through four stages of development. These are the egg, larva, pupa, and adult flea. In order to eliminate the fleas from your home altogether, you have to eliminate all four stages of fleas in development. The total lifecycle of the lifecycle from flea egg to adult can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity levels have an effect on how rapidly flea eggs develop into biting adult fleas.

Most Effective products against Fleas

1. Best spray to use on your pet

2. If you want to kill fleas from your carpet or similar areas, we’ve found that this works best:

3. If you have big infestation, you’ll need best fogger available (case of 6 recommended).

This means that fleas are worse in the summer because they can rapidly develop from flea eggs to adult fleas. However, even though they develop less rapidly in the fall and winter, if you have a flea infestation in the summer and think you have eliminated it, it is possible to have a re-infestation in the middle of winter when flea eggs hatch and develop into adults. This is one of the factors that makes fleas difficult to control once you have an infestation.

Fleas bite because once the flea eggs hatch, the larva need blood meal to feed on. Before the female lays flea eggs, she bites you or your pet in order to digest the blood to provide for the larva once they hatch. Blood is necessary in order for the adult flea to produce eggs. Adult fleas prefer to lay their eggs close to their primary source of food, which means they will lay the eggs in the fur of your pet.

What do Flea Eggs Look Like?

fleas and eggs flea eggs what do flea eggs look like what do flea eggs look like

Flea eggs are difficult to see because they are smaller than a normal grain of sand. The adult flea lays them in bunches of about 20 eggs in a cluster. The adult flea is capable of laying approximately 40 flea eggs per day. If you multiply that out times the length of the infestation, this means that a single female adult flea to cause a very big problem quickly. At any given time, approximately 50% of the flea population is in the egg stage.

Flea eggs take anywhere from two days up to two weeks to develop and hatch. They will wait to hatch until the environmental conditions are just right. In cold dry temperatures, the flea eggs will take longer to hatch. They hatch much more quickly in humid and hot weather. The problem is that even though they hatch more slowly in the winter, they still go through their lifecycle and the infestation continues. This means that as soon as the weather is more favorable, you will quickly have a condition that is out of hand.

Flea eggs look like tiny translucent grains of sand. They are so small that you probably will not see them. Your first sign of fleas will probably be flea bites on you or your pet, if you don’t know how it looks, here are flea bites pictures. However, rest assured that if you see one adult flea, that flea is quickly laying as many flea eggs as possible. If you have fleas, then you have flea eggs. This makes it essential to get the problem under control as quickly as possible. And you should kill fleas in carpet ASAP.

Flea eggs will fall off of your pet and onto any surface where your pet lies or walks. This means they will get into the carpet, on furniture, into bedding, and throughout all areas of the house. The surface of your pet’s skin is an ideal environment for hatching, but this doesn’t mean that they will not hatch off of your pet if the right conditions are present.

Once the eggs hatch they are born as blind larva that will avoid the light. They prefer dark places. When they emerge, they begin feasting on the digested blood, which appears as flea dirt. They can also lead other organic debris that they find in the environment so they don’t need a diet made up of entirely digested blood, but this is their preferred meal. Flea larva are about ¼ inch long and white. They make up approximately 35% of the total flea population in any given area.

About 5 to 20 days after hatching, if they have the right environment, the larva will spin a pupa, which is similar to a cocoon. The cocoon is very hard and has a sticky outer coating that allows them to hide deep in carpets and fabrics. They cannot be removed by light vacuuming or sweeping. The cocoon can protect the developing flea from any chemicals that you spray. If there are fleas that have reached the pupal stage, the infestation can be difficult to get rid of because these pupas can survive the chemical onslaught.

It is possible to have fleas in the pupa stage in as little as a week after the first flea makes her way onto your pet or into your house. This is why it is essential to engage in preventative measures and to make certain to get an infestation under control before it has the chance to develop into a pupa. Fleas will not emerge from this stage until they sense body heat in the presence of carbon dioxide, indicating that a potential host is nearby. When your pet walks by, the flea will emerge from its cocoon to begin feeding.

Once the pupa has located a potential host, it will emerge and begin feeding from the host within a few hours. It will breed and begin laying flea eggs within a few days. They cannot lay flea eggs until they obtain a meal of blood. At any given time, there are about 10% of the flea population in the pupa stage, and 5% are adults. Knowledge about the flea lifecycle from the flea eggs the adult is one of the most important factors in being able to eliminate them. Now, let’s examine a few ways that you can do this.

How to Get Rid of Flea Eggs

If you have fleas in your house, the first line of defense is to make sure to get your pets treated by a vet. This is not only for their safety; this is to eliminate fleas at their source. If you do not get rid of the fleas from your pets, you will never be able to stop the cycle and you will continually have a new batch of baby fleas. Not only that, if the fleas get bad enough, your pet can become anemic and potentially die from too many fleas. Fleas transmit parasites, which can also be harmful to your pet. If you have fleas, it is essential that you have them treated professionally by a veterinarian as quickly as possible. You also need to take measures to prevent them from reappearing on your pets.

You must eliminate fleas in all stages of the flea lifecycle in order to get rid of them permanently. Vacuuming regularly for several weeks is essential for eliminating eggs, larva, and adults. Washing bedding and clothing in hot soapy water can help to eliminate all four lifecycles of the flea. All fabric must be washed regularly in order to keep on top of the infestation. It is possible to use a humidifier to encourage the fleas to hatch and then treat them with a fogger.

Sprays and Foggers

There are a number of sprays and foggers available on the market that you can use yourself. Usually you deploy the sprayer fogger and then you have to leave the house for several hours. Products available for home use are often not as effective as the treatments that are used by professionals. If you try one of the commercially available foggers and it does not work, you will have to hire a professional to come and treat your home.

Regardless of whether you choose to use a do-it-yourself home product, or hire a professional to treat your flea infestation, it will usually take several repeat applications in order to get the problem under control. This is because the flea eggs are so tiny that they are difficult to remove with normal cleaning practices.

Hiring A Professional

You can spray, or have a professional come and treat your home, and it may seem like the fleas are gone. Then in a few days, they will be back. This is not an indication that the flea treatment did not work, what it means is that flea eggs have hatched and begun to start the cycle all over again. Eliminating fleas takes vigilance and patience, but if you keep after it, eventually you will achieve your goal.

The advantage of the do-it-yourself products that are available is that they are less expensive than hiring a professional. The disadvantage is that they are not as effective and it can take you longer to get the problem under control. This means that you will have to do more re-applications than a professional would have to do. In the long run, it could be less expensive to hire a professional than to try the over-the-counter do-it-yourself products. The professional can usually do it in much less time than if you try to solve the problem yourself using over-the-counter products.

Eliminating Flea Eggs

Removing the flea eggs is the most critical part to gaining control of the flea situation quickly. Of course, this is difficult because they are so hard to see. They usually only make their presence known when the adult fleas begin hopping on people and biting them, or on pets, in preparation for laying more flea eggs. Some experts estimate that for every flea you see, there are about 120 flea eggs present.

Flea eggs can remain dormant for up to seven months, even in freezing temperatures, and then hatch as soon as a host becomes available. This means that once the adults have been eliminated, it is essential to make sure that any treatment protocol addresses the flea eggs. Otherwise, it is simply a matter of time before the infestation reoccurs.

As soon as your pet comes in contact with an adult female flea, she will immediately begin laying eggs. If you find the flea, even if your pet has only been outside for a few minutes, there is a good likelihood that the pet already has flea eggs hiding in their fur. They are so small that you will probably never find them, but rest assured that they are there. This means that eliminating flea eggs is a twofold process. First, the eggs have to be eliminated on your pet, and they also have to be eliminated in your house.

Just because you have eliminated the adult fleas from your pet, doesn’t mean that you have eliminated the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the larva can begin feeding on the remains of the adult fleas. They also feed on tapeworm eggs. This is how fleas transmit tapeworms to pets, and yes to humans too. An animal with a tapeworm will be more likely to attract fleas who wish to feed on the tapeworm eggs. Consulting with your veterinarian is essential if you find even a few fleas on your pet due to the presence of both flea eggs and tapeworm eggs. Tapeworm eggs enter your pet when it licks its fur and swallows them. If you do not eliminate flea eggs from your animals, then you are fighting a losing battle in your fight against eliminating fleas from your environment.

Using a flea comb can help to eliminate flea eggs from your pets. This must be done outside and it is important to treat your pet for adult fleas. If you do not, the adult fleas will just lay more eggs in the pet’s fur. Flea shampoos can help to eliminate the adult fleas and the flea eggs as well.

You have to remove the flea eggs from your pets and from your home at the same time, otherwise the problem will just keep reoccurring through reinfestation. You should take all of your bedding and wash them in hot soapy water in order to get rid of flea eggs. A light vacuuming of the carpet and upholstery will not necessarily remove the flea eggs. It is recommended that you use steam cleaning with a solution specifically formulated to eliminate flea eggs as the shampoo.

Most Effective products against Fleas

1. Best spray to use on your pet

2. If you want to kill fleas from your carpet or similar areas, we’ve found that this works best:

3. If you have big infestation, you’ll need best fogger available (case of 6 recommended).

Vacuuming also doesn’t always cover all of the surface area, such as corners, and indentations from buttons. One area that needs specific attention is your pet’s bedding. There are flea sprays available that can help to eliminate flea eggs in areas that you cannot reach. Many of these products are safe to use around your pet, and can be used in their bedding area to eliminate both fleas and flea eggs.

During the summer months, it is recommended that you vacuum your carpets at least every two days in order to keep the fleas away in the first place. This is especially important during the warm and damp summer seasons. Using pet flea collars has been proven to be harmful to pets, and these are no longer recommended to prevent flea infestations. If you are unsure about whether a product is safe, be sure to consult your own physician, or your pet’s veterinarian.

If you fail to treat your pet and home for flea eggs, you can spend hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of the fleas only to have them return over time. The key to eliminating fleas from your life for good is to address the issue of flea eggs. Addressing the issue of flea eggs is the quickest way to achieve permanent control of flea infestations. If you have a chronic flea problem, there is hope, but only if you tackle the problem in the right way.

Fleas can be one of the most difficult pests to remove from your pets and your home. The key to keeping the problem under control is to treat early, treat the eggs, and to be persistent. Seeing one flea may not seem like a problem, but now you know that if you see one flea, you already have a major problem underway. It is always better to treat the problem when it is localized than letting it spread throughout the house. The longer you wait to treat the problem, the more difficult it is to achieve permanent results. The worst thing you can do for your pets, your family, and you is to ignore the problem because you think that it is just small. This is one problem where time is of the essence and if you ignore it, it can become a major problem quickly.

The post What Do Flea Eggs Look Like & How To Get Rid Of Them appeared first on Fleas Bites On Humans and Pets - Pictures, Removal Tips.

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